Complaints Procedure



Integro Property Management is committed to providing a high standard of customer service as outlined in our Written Statement of Services. However, if you feel our standards have fallen beneath the level of service you should expect, we have set out our complaints handling procedure below.

Complaints or disputes regarding repairs or maintenance work should be referred in the first instance to the assigned property manager. We will contact the contractor and make every effort to resolve the issue.


All other complaints or disputes should be made in writing to Integro’s head office. We will reply to the complaint within 14 working days to confirm an estimated timescale for resolution. We will then investigate the complaint and endeavour to resolve it within 28 days of receipt of your complaint.


In the event the Owner is not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they have the right to escalate the complaint to Integros board of directors. Once Integro’s final position has been confirmed and the Owner remains unsatisfied, and it is considered the complaint is a breach of the Property Factors (Scotland) Act 2011, Property Factor Code of Conduct has occurred, then an Application may be made to the Housing and Property Chamber, First-tier Tribunal for Scotland, Glasgow Tribunals Centre, 20 York Street, Glasgow, G2 8GT. Email: Tel: 0141 302 5900 Website: